Solar Jobs SA Scholarship

St. Philip’s College
In order to be eligible for this scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be pursuing an Associate Degree;
  • A new high school student must have a letter of recommendation from a teacher, administrator, or counselor;
  • GPA: 2.50;
  • Must be in the Power Generation & Alternative Energy Program;
  • Maintain a minimum of 9 course hours per semester;
  • Attend field trips to Industry Partner’s locations;
  • Visit local targeted High Schools & describe your experience you are learning in the program;
  • Attend educational events at local high schools & at SPC and describe your experience with the program and opportunities (career) in the Renewable Energy Industry;
  • Meet with local regional and national partners of the Renewable Energy Industry;
  • Complete their Practicum (Internship) and interview with OCI Solar Power LLC, CPS Energy and or their industry Partners.

SPC - For questions and information, contact Gloria Hernandez at or Sonia Flores at